The Magic of Spooning: Andreea Grad

The Magic of Trees & Spooning: A Glimpse into Ordinary Talks with Extraordinary Women, with Andreea Grad

Have you ever wondered about the hidden stories within a simple wooden spoon? Andreea Grad, a fascinating artisan and former accountant and coach, who will make you see these everyday objects in a whole new light.

  • From Pillow to Power Tools: Andreea's creative journey began with soft meditation pillows and a surprising moment of recognition. That spark led her down an unexpected path, where an online video about tiny homes inspired her passion for carving.

  • Tree Whisperer: When a devastating storm hit her city, Andreea felt called to honor the fallen trees. Despite no prior experience, she offered to transform people's lost branches into cherished spoons. Her process is a magical dialogue: "I often find myself talking to the wood," she says.

  • Transformation & Empowerment: Andreea weaves her background in coaching and personal growth into her art. "Woodworking teaches me self-reflection and flexibility," she explains. She believes in the transformative power of creativity and is building an empowering program to help women connect with their own creative potential.

  • Year of the Wood Dragon: This year's Chinese zodiac symbol aligns perfectly with Andreea's surge of creative energy. Could it be a sign that even greater things are in store?

Intrigued? Listen to the full conversation on the Ordinary Talks with Extraordinary Women podcast to discover:

  • Andreea's unique process of listening to the wood and bringing out its hidden beauty.

  • Her surprising past life before embracing her artistic side.

  • "It's that continuous transformation and putting yourself out there, which brings up vulnerability any time you create."

  • How she uses her art to help women reconnect with themselves.

Let Andreea's story inspire you to appreciate the magic within everyday objects and believe in the power of following your passions! Tune in to Ordinary Talks with Extraordinary Women & be inspired by Andreea's unique artistry and empowering message.

With much Aloha,

Olga Miller

Host of Ordinary Talks with Extraordinary Women

Andreea Grad, the tree magician and artisan

Laughter, Lessons, & Ordinary Moments

An Intimate Conversation with Angela Boyd

Ever feel like everyone's got their life figured out, except for you? Ever feel lost, sad, overwhelmed, or just plain confused about this whole adulting thing?   Get cozy and join me for a refreshingly honest and open chat with the fabulous Angela Boyd.  Forget the fancy studios and expert interviews; this episode is all about two women sharing their experiences, anxieties, and a few heartwarming laughs.

Angela – life coach, entrepreneur, fellow mom, and an all-around amazing woman  –  gets real about how she navigated sadness, burnout, and all those "what am I doing?!" moments life throws our way. Forget fancy studios and expert interviews – this episode is all about two women sharing their experiences, anxieties, and a few heartwarming laughs.

Prepare to be inspired (and maybe a little relieved you're not alone!) as we delve into:

  • Pandemic Ponderings: Turns out, a global crisis can really make you re-evaluate your yoga pant collection and life choices. We explore how Angela used this time for some serious soul-searching.

  • The Ups & Downs of Momhood: From "they grow up so fast" to "please stop drawing on the walls," we chat openly about the ever-changing joys and challenges of motherhood.

  • Saying "No" More Often: Because even superwomen need a break! We discuss the importance of setting boundaries and guarding your sanity, especially when your office is also your living room.

  • The Power of Letting Go: Sometimes the best thing you can do is, well, nothing! We explore the art of letting go of things (or even people!) that don't spark joy anymore.

This episode is your cozy corner of the internet for a dose of real talk, relatable experiences, and a reminder that you're not alone in this crazy thing called life.

So, grab your headphones, settle in, and get ready for a conversation that's as inspiring as it is ordinary.

With much Aloha,

Olga @YelloBirdie

Goddess on the Go: Simple Rituals to Reconnect & Recharge

Spring is springing (as my 13 y.o. daughter would say!), and with it comes a fresh slate for growth and renewal. March is about new buds coming in, and some special birds making their way back to remote places, aand longer days (which I LOVE). It’s also OUR month, a time to celebrate the powerful goddess within each and every one of us, girls!

Life can be - and oftentimes IS - a whirlwind, especially for us amazing women who juggle a million things at once. But this month, I’m inviting you (and myself!) to hit the pause button. I’m inviting you to embrace the goddesses we are and reclaim our sacred spaces.

First things first, deep breaths. A March challenge: to start each day grounded and present with a few mindful moments. Then, find the time to create a Joy List! Write down everything that makes your soul sing, no matter how small.

I think we all oftentimes forget, magic lives in the ordinary. Whether it’s taking a moment to notice the beauty outside, playing with the beads you haven't played with for far too long, or blasting your favorite tunes while you conquer the dishes like a queen. These tiny-mini-trips will help unleash your inner child and remind you that life's meant to be enjoyed, not just endured.

Speaking of boundaries, let's talk about those lines in the sand we sometimes struggle with (I know that I do). This month, try to get more in-tune with yourself. What drains your energy or leaves you feeling depleted? What are you saying yes to out of obligation, when your heart screams no? Write them down, and practice saying no with grace, kindness but also firmness.

And when the world gets noisy, when the chaos threatens to drown you out, stop. Disconnect, find silence, and reconnect with your inner beautiful self. Meditate, journal, take a long soul-filling bath – whatever helps you hear that wise, nurturing voice within.

We are powerhouses of intuition, strength, and love. By prioritizing our needs, respecting our boundaries, and embracing our joy, we embrace our feminine essence. And in doing so, we become rays of inspiration for the world.

This March, let's shine our authentic selves – radiant, badass, and beautiful. The world needs your and our magic! ✨

All my love,

Olga ✌️

Founder, YelloBirdie

The Power of Visualization: A Guide to Crafting Your Future


A Guide to Your Best Year Yet

As we’ve entered the new year, it's the PERRRFECT time to talk about a tool that has profoundly shaped my journey and that of many I've had the honor to mentor: Visualization! Let's dive into how this powerful practice can be your ally in crafting a future brimming with potential and fulfillment in 2024!

The Essence of Visualization

Visualization is more than daydreaming; it's an intentional practice where we mentally 'rehearse' our desired outcomes. It's about creating vivid, detailed images in our mind of what we aspire to achieve or become. This process goes beyond mere wishful thinking – it's a strategic approach to bringing our deepest desires to life.

Why Visualization Matters:

  • Activating the Brain: Studies show that when we visualize an action, our brain's neurons light up just as they do when performing the action. This phenomenon, known as functional equivalence, bridges the gap between thought and action.

  • Enhancing Performance: Athletes have long used visualization to improve performance. Research indicates that mental practices can enhance motivation, increase confidence, and even prime the brain for success.

  • Emotional and Mental Well-being: Visualization isn't just about achieving goals; it's also a potent tool for improving well-being. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, increases focus, and can significantly enhance mindfulness and emotional health.

How to Practice Visualization Effectively

  1. Set a Clear Goal: Start with a clear, achievable goal. Whether it's a career milestone, personal growth, or a skill you want to develop, having a specific target is key.

  2. Create a Vivid Image: Picture your goal in as much detail as possible. What does it look like? How do you feel? What sounds or smells are associated with this success?

  3. Engage All Senses: Make your visualization a multi-sensory experience. The more vivid the mental image, the more impactful the exercise.

  4. Regular Practice: Consistency is crucial. Dedicate a few minutes daily to visualize your goals. It's like mental exercise – the more you do it, the stronger your ability becomes.

  5. Combine with Action: Visualization alone won't manifest results; it needs to be coupled with action. Use the motivation and mindset from your visualization practice to propel you into taking tangible steps towards your goals.

Applying Visualization to Our Lives

Let's take our learnings from 2023 – the challenges, the successes, and the lessons – and use them as a foundation for our visualization practice. As we look towards 2024, think about how you can apply these principles:

  • Reflect on past experiences and visualize how you could use those lessons moving forward. Write them down.

  • For future successes, create a detailed mental image of achieving your goals. Feel that sense of accomplishment and use it as fuel to keep pushing forward.

  • Use visualization to navigate through any challenges you might face, imagining yourself overcoming these obstacles with resilience and wisdom.

A Personal Anecdote

Just a few days ago, I had the delightful chance encounter with Uncle Clay from the "Somebody Feed Phil" show. His story of resilience and positivity in building HOPA from humble beginnings resonated deeply with me. It reminded me that our dreams, coupled with hard work and a sprinkle of visualization, can indeed become our reality.


As we enter the new year, let's use visualization not just as a tool for personal and professional growth but also as a way to enhance our overall well-being. It's about actively creating our future with intention, hope, and positivity.

Here's to a vibrant and fulfilling 2024, where we not only visualize our dreams but also take active steps to turn them into reality.

With love and optimism,

Olga Miller @YelloBirdie🌟

P.S. Keep exploring, keep dreaming, and most importantly, keep visualizing!

Stay tuned to YelloBirdie for more insights, tips, and stories that inspire and empower. Let's make this journey a beautiful adventure, one step, one visualization at a time.

Mindful Living During the Festive Season: A Guide to Finding Balance and Joy

As we approach the bustling holiday season, I invite you on a journey of self-care, mindfulness, and empowerment.

As a mindfulness and professional life coach dedicated to supporting women through life's challenges AND also a busy-busy mom of three, I know for a fact that this time of year, while filled with cheer and celebration, can also bring overwhelming stress, self-doubt, and a sense of chaos. However, through the integration of mindfulness practices, focused breathing, and gentle exercise, we can navigate this period with grace and resilience. This is something that I practice and wholeheartedly invite you to try with me!

The Power of Breath: A Gateway to Serenity

Our breath is an invaluable tool—a bridge between the present moment and inner peace. Amidst the flurry of activities, when stress threatens to overwhelm, take a pause. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Inhale the present moment, exhale any tension or worries. Let each breath ground you, centering your thoughts and soothing your spirit.

Here you will find Breathing Techniques for Stress Relief

Embracing Mindful Movement: The Art of Walking

Walking, a simple yet profound act, holds incredible therapeutic value for both mind and body. Beyond the physical exercise it offers, walking is a mindful practice that nurtures the soul.

Psychological Benefits of Walking:

  • Stress Alleviation: Nature walks decrease cortisol levels, easing stress and fostering a sense of calm.

  • Enhanced Mood: Endorphins released during walking elevate mood and combat feelings of anxiety or depression.

  • Boosted Creativity: Engaging in walking meditations sparks creative thinking and problem-solving.

Physical Benefits of Walking:

  • Cardiovascular Health: Regular walking contributes to heart health and lowers the risk of heart disease.

  • Weight Management: Walking aids in weight maintenance and fosters a healthier lifestyle.

  • Joint Flexibility and Strength: It maintains joint flexibility and strengthens bones and muscles.

Unexpected Benefits of Walking:

  • Mindfulness in Motion: Walking mindfully helps you stay present, fostering gratitude and awareness.

  • Nature Connection: Walking in natural surroundings nurtures a deeper bond with nature, promoting peace within.

Practicing Mindfulness in Every Moment

As we collectively navigate the holiday rush, remember to stay present. Observe the beauty around you—be it the laughter of loved ones, the twinkling lights, or the serene winter landscapes. Engage your senses; feel the crisp air, hear the rustling leaves, smell the festive aromas. Cultivate gratitude for these moments.

HEre you’ll find a Mindful Walking Meditation

Self-Compassion and Gratitude: The Heart of Well-Being

Although it’s not easy, amidst the whirlwind of activities, try to extend kindness and grace to yourself. Find gratitude for the smallest moments of joy. Practice self-compassion, acknowledging that imperfections are part of our shared human experience. Treat yourself with the same tenderness you offer others. Or even more.

A little more on The Power of Self-Compassion

A Personal Invitation for Mindful season

As we step into this festive season, I extend a personal invitation: infuse mindfulness into your days. Let the rhythm of your breath guide you. Find the healing power of walking, connecting your body and soul with each step. Practice mindfulness, allowing the present to envelop you in its warmth.

This journey is not just about surviving the holidays; it's about thriving amidst them. May they empower you to face challenges with resilience and grace, nurturing a deeper connection with yourself and those around you.

This holiday season, gift yourself the presence of mind, the kindness of heart, and the joy of being fully alive. Through mindful breaths, purposeful steps, and an open heart, find solace, balance, and the true essence of these cherished moments.

Happy holidays, and may the upcoming year be filled with moments of peace, growth, and unbridled joy.

Much love,

Olga Miller @YelloBirdie

TED Talks for Further Inspiration

Monthly Guide Archive: November 2023

Embracing Change, Compassion, and Laughter: Navigating November with Heart

Greetings and Aloha to this November Edition!

I'm so thrilled to hear your words of appreciation for our content! Your feedback lights up my day, sending my spirits soaring beyond the moon!

As we cozy up for my favorite season, with Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, can you believe we're already approaching the end of 2023? The mere number itself feels like an achievement, doesn't it? Let's get ready to bid this year a memorable farewell!

In this edition, let's dive into the heart of mindfulness and explore the vibrant Hawaiian spirit of Aloha. Together, we'll infuse this month with a delightful blend of hope, compassion, and the sheer beauty that life has to offer.


"Aloha" is a Hawaiian word with a deep and multifaceted meaning. It is often used as a greeting, expressing love, affection, compassion, and peace. Beyond a simple salutation, "aloha" embodies the spirit of connection, harmony, and mutual regard for others. It reflects the Hawaiian culture's emphasis on living in unity with one another and the natural world. "Aloha" also represents a way of life that values kindness, hospitality, and the sharing of positive energy with those around you. It is a powerful concept that encompasses love, empathy, and the genuine desire for the well-being of others.

If you can, fully embrace the awesome opportunity to uplift others, offering a listening ear, a comforting word, or a simple act of kindness. Remember that the ripple of positivity you create has the power to touch countless lives and ignite a collective wave of transformation.


Let's delve into the science-backed benefits of nurturing morning rituals that can set the stage for a fulfilling day. Engaging in gentle stretches or yoga, for instance, has been shown to enhance flexibility and improve blood flow, resulting in a boost of energy and alertness. According to a study published in the International Journal of Yoga, regular yoga practice can significantly reduce stress levels and promote emotional well-being, fostering a sense of inner balance and tranquility that can carry through the rest of the day. Moreover, incorporating moments of silent reflection or mindfulness meditation has been linked to a reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression, as observed in research from John Hopkins University. These mindful practices help to calm the mind, improve focus, and encourage a heightened sense of self-awareness, laying the groundwork for a day filled with clarity and intention.

Furthermore, savoring a nourishing breakfast not only fuels the body but also ignites cognitive function and enhances mood. According to findings from the Harvard School of Public Health, a wholesome breakfast rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats can improve memory and concentration, leading to greater productivity and cognitive performance throughout the day. By providing the body with essential nutrients early in the morning, we can stabilize blood sugar levels and regulate metabolism, fostering a sense of physical well-being that amplifies our mental clarity and emotional resilience.

By establishing a morning routine that prioritizes holistic well-being, we set the tone for a day filled with purpose, productivity, and inner peace. Integrating these science-backed practices into our daily rituals can lead to a profound transformation in our overall health and wellness, nurturing not only the body but also the mind and spirit.


Let's talk about Jasmine Star! When I stumbled upon her captivating podcast last year, it was like finding a hidden gem in a sea of voices. I've been hooked ever since, and trust me, you're in for a treat! Dive into the empowering narratives of "The Jasmine Star Show," where resilience, courage, and authenticity steal the spotlight. Jasmine's heartfelt conversations are a gentle nudge to embrace your uniqueness and tackle life's hurdles with a whole lot of grace and determination.

Now, let's add another gem to your podcast collection! Make sure to tune into "On Being" with Krista Tippet. This thought-provoking podcast is like a deep dive into the ocean of meaningful discussions, exploring the realms of purpose, ethics, and the essence of what it means to be human. Let Krista's soothing voice and insightful interviews be your guide to a world of self-discovery and inner reflection.


Let's talk about "The Morning Show" on AppleTV! Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions because this show doesn't shy away from life's complexities. It's raw, it's real, and it's a beautifully crafted tale that hits close to home. Dive into the intricate web of human relationships, resilience in the face of adversity, and the undeniable power of truth, all wrapped up in a package of witty, on-screen brilliance. Each character's journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit, reminding us to face life's challenges with empathy, fortitude, and an unwavering sense of purpose.

Now, for a more uplifting show that'll add a sprinkle of joy to your screen time! Tune into "Ted Lasso" for a dose of heartfelt laughter and feel-good moments. This delightful series is like a warm hug on a rainy day, with its charming characters and feel-good plotline that'll leave you with a smile on your face and a skip in your step. Let the power of positivity and good vibes infuse your evening with a touch of optimism and light-hearted fun.

So, grab that cozy blanket, pop some popcorn, and get ready for a TV night that's both thought-provoking and heartwarming. Because, in the end, every story we watch is a reflection of our own journey, reminding us that even in life's toughest moments, there's always a glimmer of hope and a reason to keep believing in the beauty of tomorrow.


Take a moment to pause and immerse yourself in the serenity of nature. Beyond the immediate sense of calm, numerous psychological studies have illuminated the profound impact of nature on our well-being. Research from the University of Exeter, for instance, has highlighted that spending time in natural environments can significantly reduce the risk of depression and anxiety, while promoting an overall sense of happiness and self-worth. The abundance of natural light and the soothing sounds of the wilderness have been shown to elevate mood and reduce stress levels, fostering a more positive mental outlook and enhancing emotional resilience.

Hug those trees! Recent studies from the University of Stanford suggest that physical contact with nature, such as hugging trees or feeling the texture of leaves, can lead to a decrease in the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. This reduction in stress hormones is accompanied by an increase in oxytocin, the "bonding hormone," which promotes feelings of trust and connectedness. By fostering a sense of physical connection with the natural world, we not only alleviate stress but also cultivate a deeper sense of belonging and well-being, strengthening our emotional fortitude and fostering a more profound connection with the world around us.

Wherever you find yourself, allow the symphony of nature's gentle whispers to soothe your soul and provide a sanctuary of solace and reflection. Research published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology underscores the cognitive benefits of exposure to natural environments, such as improved memory retention, heightened attention spans, and enhanced creativity. The complex yet calming patterns found in nature stimulate our minds in unique ways, fostering a greater capacity for problem-solving, innovative thinking, and a deeper sense of inner peace. It's a powerful reminder that the natural world not only nurtures our emotional well-being but also ignites our cognitive potential, offering a holistic sanctuary for the mind, body, and spirit.


It’s a challenge! Since I’m on the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii, I challenge you to explore the rich tapestry of Hawaiian cuisine, infusing your meals with the nourishing flavors of the islands. Dive into the "Somebody Feed Phil" Hawaii episode and let Phil Rosenthal's infectious love for food inspire your own island-inspired creations. This month, infuse your meals with the spirit of aloha, savoring every bite as a sweet caress from the tropical paradise itself.

If fresh fish feels like a distant dream, why not sprinkle a touch of island enchantment into your day? Whip up a vibrant tropical smoothie, letting the flavors whisk you away to a hammock under the Hawaiian sun. Alternatively, create a mini oasis at home with a splash of greenery or a quirky flamingo friend, bringing that soothing island vibe right to your doorstep. Remember, the island spirit is a mindset, so infuse your day with a dash of whimsical escape, no matter where you are!

As we journey through November, may the wisdom of aloha guide you, nurturing our well-being, and cultivating a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.

May this month be a tapestry of mindful moments, heartfelt connections, and inner growth, guiding us toward a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Sending you waves of awesomeness and light from the heart of Hawaii,

Olga Miller @YelloBirdie

P.S. If you want a little bit of healthy thinking alongside my daily living, check out the blog that I update on the weekly, and sometimes even bi-weekly, basis!

Mastering the Art of Handling Passive-Aggressive Behavior

your Comprehensive Strategies for Empowerment and Resolution

Understanding the nuances of passive-aggressive behavior demands an informed approach due to its subtle yet impactful nature in communication. Passive-aggression, characterized by covert expressions of negativity or resistance, can sow confusion, tension, and significantly diminish productivity and sour constructive human environments. According to a study by the University of Warwick on workplace stress, passive-aggressive conduct can result in a staggering 60% reduction in productivity in professional settings. Moreover, this behavior not only disrupts work environments but also erodes personal relationships and undermines mental well-being, emphasizing the critical need for effective resolution.

To empower you in navigating these intricate interactions, consider these multifaceted strategies:

Concrete Strategies for Addressing Passive-Aggressive Behavior

  1. Identification and Awareness: Recognize signs such as backhanded compliments, silent treatment, or subtle undermining. Acknowledging these cues is crucial for effective resolution.

  2. Direct Communication: Initiate calm, respectful conversations, focusing on behaviors rather than attacking the person. Utilize "I" statements to express impact without sounding accusatory.

  3. Active Listening and Observation: Pay attention to non-verbal cues and underlying emotions. Empathetic listening can reveal motives or grievances behind passive-aggressive actions.

  4. Setting Clear Boundaries and Expectations: Establish explicit behavioral boundaries and communicate them clearly. Outline consistent consequences for crossing these boundaries.

  5. Assertiveness Training: Develop assertiveness skills to confidently express needs and concerns without aggression, fostering open and honest communication.

  6. Conflict Resolution Techniques: Acquire strategies for peaceful conversations and mutual solution finding, crucial in diffusing passive-aggressive situations.

  7. Seeking Professional Help or Mediation: In persistently challenging scenarios, involving a neutral mediator or therapist can offer unbiased guidance and facilitate constructive dialogue.

  8. Self-Care and Stress Management: Prioritize self-care techniques to manage stress levels, ensuring resilience in handling challenging interactions.

Mastering the navigation of passive-aggressive behavior is no easy task. It demands patience, empathy, and oftentimes a proactive approach to cultivate harmonious, productive and positive environments.

By embracing these strategies, you can effectively address passive-aggressive behavior, whether at work or in your personal environments, to foster stronger connections and a healthier places. It's a journey that, again, can be challenging, but not only does it restore harmony, it also promotes personal and professional growth, ensuring greater well-being for everyone involved, and beyond.

I’m rooting for you, Fellow Human! Let me know if this helps!

With much love,

Olga @YelloBirdie

Resources for Further Insights and Actionable Steps

Mindfulness, Thanksgiving, and Navigating the Chaos: Your Ultimate Guide to a Happier Holiday

As the day of Thanksgiving approaches, so does the familiar mix of familial and friendship joy and the potential chaos of navigating differing opinions around the dinner table. Fear not! Armed with 5 practical strategies infused with psychological insights and actionable tips, you’ll navigate this Thanksgiving with grace, humor, and a touch of wisdom.

🤝 Seek Common Ground

Finding common ground amidst diverse opinions is key. Engage in open conversations, steering away from polarizing subjects like politics or global conflicts. Bonding over shared interests or humor can act as an emotional lubricant, easing tensions and fostering connections among family members. Remember, the goal is not to win debates but to foster unity and shared enjoyment.

Something Real You Can Do: Break the ice by discussing neutral, relatable topics like books, fun sitcoms, film, holiday shopping tales, making laughter the secret sauce for better connections.

🚪 Set Boundaries and Exit Strategies

Establishing boundaries and having exit strategies are essential for emotional well-being. Creating a safe space for yourself involves setting limits on conversations that could potentially lead to discomfort. Politely excusing yourself or diverting conversations towards neutral topics is an artful way to maintain a harmonious atmosphere without compromising your emotional well-being.

Something Real You Can Do: Craft your graceful exit plan—whether it’s a quick kitchen (or bathroom!) trip or offering to help set the table, find your escape pod to avoid the unwelcome Uncle Bob speech.

🙏 Focus on Gratitude

Cultivating gratitude is a powerful tool for happiness. Redirecting your focus towards the positives—be it the delicious scent of the meal, the warmth of familial or friendship bonds, or the simple pleasures of being together—can immensely enrich your experience and elevate the atmosphere of the gathering. Gratitude acts as a shield against negativity and can help you appreciate the moment's beauty amidst the chaos.

Something Real You Can Do: Mentally jot down what you’re grateful for—the aroma of Thanksgiving dinner, the warmth of people’s laughter, or simply being present in the moment.

🌿 Practice Self-Care

Taking moments for self-care amidst the chaos is crucial. Amidst the hustle, find pockets of calm. Whether it’s a brief moment of meditation, a calming breathing exercise, or an impromptu dance to your favorite tune, these moments of self-care can restore your equilibrium and refresh your mind amidst the holiday fervor. Prioritizing self-care allows you to recharge and remain centered during the festivities.

Something Real You Can Do: Sneak away for a ‘me-time’ moment—a quick deep-breathing session or a discreet dance-off in the living room to reset your mental space.

🎉 Plan a Gratitude Escape Route

Reward yourself after the chaos with an activity that brings you joy. Creating a delightful escape route, whether it’s indulging in your favorite movie, spending time in a soothing bath, or engaging in a hobby you love, serves as a cherry on top after successfully braving the holiday excitement. It's a way to celebrate yourself and acknowledge the effort put into navigating the Thanksgiving festivities.

Something Real You Can Do: Prepare your post-celebration sanctuary—a comforting movie marathon, a quietude of a beautiful book, or a bath to celebrate your triumphant navigation of Thanksgiving.

Armed with these tips you will be able to navigate Thanksgiving like a pro—find common ground, set those boundaries, shower in gratitude, care for yourself like a holiday hero, and escape to your post-celebration haven.

Stay true to yourself. Find moments of joy. Breathe.

You can make it fun You can do it!

Happy Thanksgiving, and may your pies be plentiful and your conversations pleasantly pie-free!

With much love,

Olga @YelloBirdie

Discovering Everyday Magic: On Gratitude and Mindfulness

Ever had a moment that stirred your soul, leaving you in awe of life's simple beauty? I recently experienced just that during my first ever run along the Kaiwi Coast of Oahu in Hawaii where I now live, and it felt like stumbling upon a treasure trove of human connection and natural wonder.

Picture this: it’s sunrise, the sun timidly peeks over the horizon, casting a soft, golden hue on the waves crashing against the shore. It's a backdrop that truly feels straight out of a painting. But what made this experience absolutely magical wasn’t just the stunning scenery—it was the palpable sense of community, kindness, care and grace that enveloped every step I took.

As I ran (or walked!), I wasn’t just witnessing the beauty of nature; I was immersed in a palpable sense of human warmth and connectedness. The people running, walking, and lending a helping hand along the coastline showed a vibrant spirit of genuine camaraderie. It was a beautiful mesh of people from different walks of life, different ages, socioeconomics and backgrounds, united by the common threads of kindness, care and respect for the land and one another.

In that moment, I felt uplifted, I felt there is a hope for humankind. I also realized the incredible power of mindfulness and gratitude. Mindfulness isn’t some lofty concept reserved for meditation gurus—it’s about being present, soaking in the details, feeling the cool breeze against your skin, hearing the rhythm of your breath, and embracing the rawness of the moment.

Gratitude isn’t a fancy word; it’s a lifeline, a lens that shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have. It’s the nod to the stranger who flashes a smile, the unsung heroes cleaning debris off the coast, the police officers cheering us on—not for their duty, but out of genuine support.

And the Thanksgiving vibes? They're not confined to a single day on the calendar. It's about making gratitude a habit, an instinctive response to life's daily blessings, both big and small. It's about acknowledging the beauty in our everyday chaos, finding solace in the simplest joys, and expressing thanks for the people who make our lives brighter.

I always knew it but now I’m fully aware of it. These are not just philosophical concepts; they are the very fabric of a life well-lived. Science backs this up too! Studies show that practicing mindfulness and gratitude can reduce stress, boost resilience, and spark a sense of contentment that money just can’t buy.

So, here’s my invitation to you: let’s at least attempt to weave mindfulness and gratitude into our lives. Take a moment to appreciate the sunrise, to notice a kind gesture, to pause and really taste that cup of coffee. Let's greet each day with an open heart and a renewed appreciation for life's little miracles. And there are plenty of those!

Because amidst the chaos of life, there's beauty waiting to be uncovered. It’s up to us to find it, savor it, cherish it, and share it with others.

Here's to finding the magic in the mundane, and to living a life where every day feels like a breathtaking run along the Kaiwi Coast of Oahu, in the breathtakingly beautiful Hawaii.

With much Aloha,

Olga @YelloBirdie


Is Everything a Choice?

Navigating Life's VIBRANCY as a Busy Mompreneur

In the overwhelmingly vibrant palette of life, the concept of choice stands as a guiding beacon, influencing the path we tread and the narratives we weave. Is everything truly a choice? Iris, the luminary behind Mama's Success, infuses vitality and mindfulness into this discourse, illuminating the intricate dance of decisions, especially for the bustling cohort of women, busy mothers, and enterprising mompreneurs.

"I'm having a stressful day," Iris shared today, peeling back the layers of her day-to-day juggle, recognizing the perpetual whirlwind that accompanies balancing business aspirations with the nurturing embrace of motherhood. "There's stuff I wanted to get done in my business for weeks now. I just don't seem to have enough time."

While Iris’s sentiments resonate deeply with many multitasking mavens like myself, delving into the essence of choice reveals a myriad of perspectives. Choice, often perceived as the conscious selection between alternatives, is inherently entwined with subtleties that transcend mere decision-making. Neuroscientific studies, including insights from Dr. Moran Cerf, unveil the nuanced influence of subconscious processes on our choices, shaping decisions before they even reach the threshold of conscious awareness.

"I'm making a choice right now not to feel stressed about it," Iris says, an embodiment of the mindful approach that resonates deeply with the tumultuous lives of busy moms and entrepreneurs. Mindfulness, as evidenced by research from psychologists such as Dr. Ellen Langer, signifies a powerful tool in reshaping emotional responses. It's a beacon of hope, showcasing that amidst the chaos, emotional serenity can be a deliberate choice—a gift we grant ourselves.

Iris's poignant observation, "It's actually my choice to spend the rest of the day with my son and to work on my business in the morning," is a testament to the agency nested within each moment. However, external influences often paint the canvas of choices. Studies in behavioral economics, championed by experts like Dan Ariely, highlight how societal norms and cognitive biases can sway our decisions, curating a palette of choices that might seem predetermined.

For the bustling mompreneur, navigating this rich volume of choices intertwines deeply with mindset. A nurturing mindset, where self-compassion and mindfulness converge, becomes a cornerstone. Research from the Journal of Happiness Studies underscores that a positive mindset not only shapes perceptions but also influences decision-making, bolstering resilience amid life's tumultuous tides.

The canvas of choice isn’t just about selecting options; it's about embracing a mindful approach to the decision-making process. Empowerment, for us women juggling multifaceted roles, resides in the conscious awareness and intentional mindset we bring to our choices. While the rhythm of life may sometimes feel predetermined, the harmony emerges when they infuse their decisions with mindfulness, seizing agency amidst the chaos.

In the vibrant cacophony of existence, Iris stands as a beacon, inviting the community of women, mothers, and enterprising souls to embrace the vivacity of choice. Amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities, the power lies not just in the choices made but in the mindful embrace of decisions—sowing seeds of empowerment, resilience, and joy within the kaleidoscope of their lives.

With much aloha,

Olga Miller @YelloBirdie


  • Neuroscience and Decision Making: Insights about subconscious processes influencing decisions are supported by various studies in neuroscience. Dr. Moran Cerf, a neuroscientist, has conducted research on decision-making and subconscious influences. Studies on neural correlates of decision-making provide insights into how our brains make choices before conscious awareness.

  • Behavioral Economics and Decision Biases: Dan Ariely, a behavioral economist, has researched extensively on irrational decision-making and cognitive biases that affect choices. His works, including books like "Predictably Irrational," shed light on how societal norms and biases impact decision-making.

  • Psychology of Mindfulness: Dr. Ellen Langer, a notable psychologist, has conducted research on mindfulness and its effects on emotional responses. Studies in psychology, such as those published in the Journal of Happiness Studies, explore the positive impacts of a mindful approach on decision-making, resilience, and overall well-being.

  • Socio-Economic Impact on Decision-Making: Research published in academic journals like the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences often discuss how socio-economic factors can significantly influence decision-making abilities and the range of choices available to individuals.

Maximizing Work-Life Harmony: Unleashing Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique

Maximizing Work-Life Harmony: Unleashing Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique

Uncover the transformative power of the Pomodoro Technique in achieving a harmonious work-life balance, especially tailored for multitasking women and moms. Discover how structured work intervals and mindful breaks enhance productivity and well-being, allowing you to conquer tasks while nurturing your personal life. Delve into a method that's not just about managing time but redefining how you balance life's diverse roles and responsibilities efficiently.

On the Nature of Indifference

As I gracefully waltz through the delicate dance of life (and community initiatives!), I recognize that my personal touch can sometimes be a transformative force. Studies consistently emphasize the indispensable role of active engagement, especially from women, breathing life into initiatives and turning them into vibrant expressions of shared purpose. Picture me as the cultivator of change, drawing inspiration from these studies and weaving in personal insights.

However, the delicate balance we strive for can oftentimes be threatened by indifference and the lack of care. It's not merely a hiccup but a disruption, envisioning a neglected garden where each unwatered plant represents a missed opportunity. Indifference dims the light on collaboration, stifling innovative sparks crucial for progress.

Within the beauty of community initiatives, a shadowy underbelly exists – neglectful orchestrators who exploit rather than contribute positively. These individuals sidestep responsibility, maneuvering behind the scenes to take advantage of the hard work of those genuinely invested. Their opportunism lies not in cultivation but in seizing the fruits of others' labor, presenting them as the architects of success.

As curtains rise on the stage of accomplishment, these orchestrators bask in applause, forgetting the genuine contributors. This behavior undermines integrity and erodes trust essential for success. The metaphorical garden, once vibrant, becomes tainted with weeds of deceit, casting a dark shadow on collective progress.

So, in this shared journey of community building, let's celebrate the indispensable role of women as positive contributors and remain vigilant against exploitation and neglect. Recognizing potential harm, it becomes our collective responsibility to foster transparency, accountability, and genuine engagement, prevailing over opportunism.

In this shared space, let's cultivate purpose, engagement, and resilience, fostering a vigilant community that upholds authenticity and collaboration. By doing so, we ensure our community blooms not just with the appearance of success but with the genuine essence of shared accomplishment and mutual respect, with women's active engagement serving as an essential pillar of our collective progress.

🍁 Nourishing November: Cultivating Mind, Body & Soul this Thanksgiving

Welcome to our Healthy Living Hub! As November envelops us with its crisp embrace and the world prepares for the warmth of Thanksgiving, let's embark on a journey of holistic well-being, nurturing our mind, body, and soul in harmony with the spirit of the season. Join us as we explore nourishing practices that resonate with the essence of gratitude and self-care.

Seasonal Nourishment for Body and Spirit 🍂

Embrace the richness of November's harvest, indulging in an array of seasonal delights that not only nourish the body but also uplift the spirit (here are 7 foods that taste better in November!). Savor the comforting flavors of autumn produce, from wholesome pumpkins and nourishing sweet potatoes to the tart sweetness of cranberries. Let these nourishing foods become a celebration of gratitude and vitality, infusing your days with the richness of the season.

Embrace the Crisp Outdoors & Cozy Indoors 🌬️

Whether you're strolling through rustling autumn leaves or embracing the warmth of indoor comfort, find moments to invigorate your senses and cultivate a sense of inner balance. Engage in mindful walks amidst the breathtaking fall landscapes or create cozy sanctuaries within your home, where you can unwind with soothing activities that promote tranquility and self-reflection (here’s your walk through the foliage right from the comfort of your home!)

Fostering Connections and Gratitude: 🍽️

As Thanksgiving approaches, cherish the spirit of togetherness and gratitude, fostering connections that nourish the soul. Whether gathering with loved ones or fostering a sense of community from a distance, create moments of shared joy and appreciation, fostering a sense of unity and warmth that transcends physical distances and cultural boundaries. (here are your 7 Easy Ways to Embrace the Spirit of Thanksgiving)

Cultivate Inner Harmony and Reflection 🌼

Dedicate time to nourish your inner landscape, fostering a sense of balance and reflection. Embrace the concept of self-care and gratitude, allowing yourself moments of tranquility and introspection. Cultivate a practice of mindfulness, whether through meditation, journaling, or engaging in activities that uplift your spirit and promote a sense of inner harmony. (here are 4 Simple Steps to Embrace Self-Care in Your Life

May this November be a tapestry of nourishment and gratitude, weaving together moments of self-care and appreciation for the abundance that surrounds us. Join us on this journey of nurturing our mind, body, and soul, as we embrace the essence of the season and the spirit of Thanksgiving, resonating with humans across the world.

Yours always,

With gratitude,

Olga Miller @YelloBirdie

9 Surprising Ways to Beat Brain Fog and Boost Mental Clarity

Unlock Your Inner Genius: Smart Strategies to Banish Brain Fog

Ever find yourself staring blankly at the screen, wondering what’s going on? If your brain took an impromptu vacation without telling you?

Well, you're not alone!

Studies suggest that a whopping 76% of people have encountered brain fog at some point in their lives, which, to be honest, is reassuring to me personally today. So, fear not,! Here are nine quirky yet effective strategies and easy tips to kick brain fog to the curb and awaken the sleeping genius within you.

1. Prioritize Sleep: Your Brain's Beauty Sleep

If at all possible, get yourself cozy with a consistent bedtime routine. According to research, a good night's sleep can boost your alertness by a jaw-dropping 54%. Dim the lights, get a bit of aromatherapy going, breathe deeply and try to get a healthy doze of dreaming every night. (Here are a few more extensive tips on building a better sleep routine.)

2. Stay Hydrated: H2-Oh Yeah!

Forgetfulness, thy name is dehydration! Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for maintaining optimal cognitive function. Research suggests that even mild dehydration, as little as 1-2% loss of body weight, can impair cognitive performance, leading to difficulties in concentration, alertness, and short-term memory. If on the go, carry a reusable water bottle to remind yourself to drink. If static, set a reminder on your calendar to drink half- to a full glass of water every hour. Hydration supports consistent blood flow to your brain. (More info on the importance of hydration can be found here)

3. Balanced Nutrition: Eat the Rainbow, Taste the Brainbow

Time to jazz things up with a vibrant array of fruits and veggies. Apparently, tNutrient-rich foods can enhance cognitive function by 20%. Try tomatoes, carrots, bananas, spinach, blueberries, cauliflower, and dragonfruit/pineapple! Consuming a diet rich in essential nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, has been linked to improved cognitive function and a reduced risk of cognitive decline.

4. Regular Exercise: Walk Like You Mean It

Get up and strut your stuff, even if it's just around your living room or office cubicle. Studies suggest that getting your blood pumping can transform your focus and memory. So, make it a habit to take brisk 1-3 minute walks around your workspace every hour, no matter where your workspace is located.

5. Mindfulness & Meditation: Breathe In, Stress Out

Try a deep-breathing exercise. Breathe in deeply through your nose for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, and exhale slowly through your mouth for 6 counts to quickly relax. Repeat 2-3 times a day if you can. Just 10 minutes of meditation daily can reduce stress by 50%.

6. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Chopping Brain Fog, One Slice at a Time

Chop it into bite-sized pieces and conquer them one by one. Studies show that breaking tasks down can increase productivity by an impressive 23%, allowing you to approach each task with clarity and focus.

7. Digital Detox: Unplug, Unwind, Unleash

Unplug for an hour each day - you can do it!! Reducing screen time can lead to a 30% improvement in mental clarity, as it gives your brain a much-needed break from the constant digital stimulation, allowing it to recharge and refocus. Use this time to engage in relaxing activities like reading, meditating, or spending time in nature to fully reap the benefits of a digital detox.

8. Natural Supplements: Nature's Brain Boosters

Consider adding some brain-boosting supplements to your daily routine. Research suggests that Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in enhancing cognitive function by up to 14%. Additionally, Ginkgo Biloba has been associated with improved memory retention and increased blood flow to the brain, while Bacopa Monnieri is recognized for its potential to boost memory and promote overall cognitive well-being. However, always prioritize expert advice to make informed decisions about your supplement regimen.

9. Brain Games: Puzzle Your Way to Brilliance

Who said games were just for kids? Engage in activities that bring you mental delight, such as solving a challenging crossword puzzle, immersing yourself in a strategic game of chess or checkers, or exploring any stimulating pastime that tickles your brain. Research indicates that these brain teasers and games have the remarkable potential to sharpen cognitive skills by up to 17%, offering both entertainment and a valuable cognitive workout. So go ahead, indulge in some brain-boosting fun!

So, there you have it! With these quirky yet effective strategies, you can banish brain fog and unleash the full power of your incredible mind. Remember, it's not just about clearing the fog; it's about letting your mental brilliance shine through. Go forth, conquer brain fog, and let your inner genius run wild! And hey, don't forget to share these tips with your fellow brain fog warriors. They'll thank you for it!