From Pandemic to Ohana and from Hope to H.O.P.A.

As someone who's still learning and continually inspired by Hawaiian culture, I find myself reflecting on the profound impact it has had on my life. In the bustling city of New York, the year 2020 unfolded like a dark, uncertain cloud. What was once a vibrant and pulsating metropolis became a city of hushed hallways, silent streets and masked faces. My family of five, confined to our small apartment, longed for connection and the vivacity of life.

In this time of solitude, a serendipitous encounter with "Somebody Feed Phil" on a static-filled TV screen provided an unexpected escape - a show where Phil Rosenthal travels and eats his way around the world. The Hawai’i episode was a favorite – Phil meets Uncle Clay at HOPA - House of Pure Aloha. The shave ice looked amazing, but what really struck us was Uncle Clay’s genuine warmth and love for people. We must have watched that episode 27 times, especially the parts with Uncle Clay, which the kids loved. It brought a bit of sunshine into our cramped apartment every time.

Fast forward to now, I’m driving past a small shopping center in East Honolulu in mid-December, and who do I see in the flesh, but Uncle Clay himself! I jump out to say hello, and the man who touched our hearts through a television screen greets me with the biggest, most genuine smile and bear hugs. His presence and genuine embrace was a tangible embodiment of the kindness and warmth we had felt from afar.

Uncle Clay's story is a powerful narrative of resilience and kindness. Despite a childhood in foster care and periods of homelessness, he built HOPA from a modest beginning of just $400. His journey is a testament to the strength of determination and the essence of Hawaiian values.

As someone still exploring Hawaiian culture, I am deeply inspired by the principles of Uncle Clay's Pure Aloha Oath — which we discovered while looking up Uncle Clay while in COVID »confinement« — that offer guidance for a meaningful and mindful existence:

  • Smile at Strangers: A simple gesture can dissolve isolation, spreading warmth in our community.

  • Listen with Intent: Fully engaging in others' stories fosters deeper connections.

  • Offer Help: Small acts of kindness generate a wave of aloha, uplifting everyone.

  • Forgive Freely: Releasing grudges invites inner peace and joy.

  • Celebrate Differences: Diversity enriches our lives in profound ways.

  • Be Thankful with Aloha: Gratitude adds sweetness to every experience.

As we’ve entered 2024, embracing these values and taking inspiration from Uncle Clay can shape a brighter future:

  • Mala'ai Ola (Embrace Health and Balance): Focus on our well-being and mindful living for a healthier world.

  • Lokahi (Harmony and Unity): Foster cooperation and unity, much like the synchronized beauty of a hula dance.

  • Kuleana (Responsibility and Stewardship): Acknowledge our duty to our actions and our planet, caring for it as it cares for us.

  • Pono (Righteousness and Integrity): Live with honesty and integrity, letting our actions speak of our values.

  • Ho'omau (Preserve and Perpetuate): Cherish our heritage, sharing stories and values for generations to come.

Uncle Clay's life is a living testament to the power of aloha, embodying warmth, empathy, and assistance. His story encourages me, my family and my work to pursue our dreams regardless of obstacles.

In 2024, let's honor Uncle Clay's oath by:

  • Creating Warmth and Connection: Smile at those around us, breaking barriers and building bridges.

  • Forging Deeper Bonds: Listen genuinely, understanding and valuing each other's narratives.

  • Uplifting Others: Extend kindness, however small, to foster community and support.

  • Finding Inner Peace: Forgive, letting go of past grievances for a joyful heart.

  • Enriching Life through Diversity: Embrace the beauty in our differences, enhancing our collective experience.

  • Living with Gratitude: Infuse thankfulness into every facet of our lives.

As embrace the new year, let's recall Uncle Clay's advice: "Keep your dreams alive, and keep your Ohana close." Transforming our challenges into opportunities for growth, and our aspirations into reality, we can spread the aloha spirit far and wide. Aloha, 2024 – may it be a year of mindful living, positive change, and dreams realized.

With gratitude and much Aloha,

Olga Miller @YelloBirdie